The federal budget is developed by both the president and congress. The president first develops a budget and then it is passed on to congress to be approved. The budget outlines the nation’s priorities and explains how they will reach their goals. Over the last 40 years the government has spent more money than it has taken in. This excessive spending causes threat to entitlement programs. Of course, the people are becoming very angry with the governments over spending. Congress has said that they are going to rein spending with a system called paygo. Some of the arguments for paygo is that it will cause congress to realize that deficits matter and should be monitored. Congress will have to act in the same way that families and businesses do to monitor their own budgets. Arguments against paygo are that it will just cause taxes to go up in order to provide money for new programs. They think that deficits should be taken care of by economic growth rather then cutting budget. They also think it will hinder congress’s ability to respond to national crisis. They also think that this program will cause voters to become angry.
I think that pay go is a good idea. I am not positive it will work but I don’t see why the government can’t put it through a test run. I also think it wouldn’t hurt to force them to go through and look very closely where the money is being spent and make alterations and cuts to better ensure the money is going to good use and not getting wasted on unnecessary programs. Right now the fourth largest category of spending is going towards nothing. It goes to pay off interest on the national debt. If we keep spending as we are, the debt will only increase along with the amount of interest owed. President Obama recently said on a radio address that paygo is a common sense rule.
President Obama's paygo opinion - http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/02/13/potus-says-paygo-is-common-sense-rule/?test=latestnews
Issue #1 - War dollars - http://felicia01.blogspot.com/2010/02/issue-1-war-dollars_18.html
Issue # 3- Social Insecurity- http://mschmidt1.blogspot.com/2010/02/issue-3-social-insecurity.html
I think that pay go is a good idea. I am not positive it will work but I don’t see why the government can’t put it through a test run. I also think it wouldn’t hurt to force them to go through and look very closely where the money is being spent and make alterations and cuts to better ensure the money is going to good use and not getting wasted on unnecessary programs. Right now the fourth largest category of spending is going towards nothing. It goes to pay off interest on the national debt. If we keep spending as we are, the debt will only increase along with the amount of interest owed. President Obama recently said on a radio address that paygo is a common sense rule.
President Obama's paygo opinion - http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/02/13/potus-says-paygo-is-common-sense-rule/?test=latestnews
Issue #1 - War dollars - http://felicia01.blogspot.com/2010/02/issue-1-war-dollars_18.html
Issue # 3- Social Insecurity- http://mschmidt1.blogspot.com/2010/02/issue-3-social-insecurity.html
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