Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthcare blog-5 key things to remember about health care reform

This article explains five things that are important to know about the health care bill. The first thing to know is that the bill does not allow insurance companies to discriminate against people who have pre-existing conditions. Before the health care bill insurance companies would often deny or charge very high rates to people who had a pre-existing condition. Starting in 2014 insurance companies can no longer do that. In the mean time, there will be a "high risk pool" for people with pre-existing conditions. The second thing is that children can stay on their parents health insurance until they are 26. The child may not have a job that offers them health insurance in order to be on the parents insurance plan and must be claimed as a dependent on the parents taxes.The third thing is that you may be able to get a subsidy to buy insurance. If employers do not provide insurance to you then starting in 2014 you will get a subsidy. This subsidy will depend on your income,whether you are single or have a family, your age, and where you live. The third thing is that companies will be required to offer health plans to its employees if it employees more than 50 people. This plan must cover at least 60 percent of your overall health costs.The company will be fined if it does not offer this. The last thing is knowing what the bill does for seniors.One of the things it will do for them is to give people on medicare new access to free preventive services. Another thing it will do is close the gap in part-d where medicare no longer pays when the senior has spent a certain amount of money.

I think it is good to have an article that explains some of the basics of the health care bill. It seems like most people really don't even know what the bill is about and they are argueing about it. I think it would also be useful to have an article explaining what some of the things are that are making people so bad. As for these five things, I think they are good. It is important for insurance companies to not be able to drop somebody if they have a pre-existing condition or if they get really sick. It is just not fair to the person. I think it is also good that children can stay on their parents plan until they are 26 so they don't have to worry about getting their own insurance until they are out of school and have their own job. I think it is good that companies will need to provide a plan to its employees. That way those employees are not just left by themselves to figure it out. I also think it is good that the bill will allow easier access to prevenative services for seniors. From this information, I think the bill is a good thing. However, I am not aware of the conflicts of the bill.

1 comment:

  1. this is very great work i am glad to see that you are so knolegable about this topic and i have learned even moer just from reading your post. nice work.
