Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kids' test answers on race brings mother to tears

There is a new cnn pilot study testing kids on their opinion on race. The study showed that white children show more of a bias then black children. Meaning the the white children related their own skin town to good qualities more so then blacks who sometimes think that white skin tone are better. The researchers would show the children a paper will many children ranging from very light skined to very dark skined. They then asked questions suchas, "who is the nice child?". The children would usually point to their own skin color and vis versa when asked who is the mean child. The study included all different types of children from all different types of background. Overall, the study found that parents of white children discuss race with them less then black childrens parents.

I find this very interesting, and also sad. The children clearly are not getting talked to about race or are getting bad information . I feel that this may be an issue that most parents don't really think to discuss. I also think that the media plays a big role in this. The country as a whole seems to be getting better about black and white equality, but there is still underlying biases. I feel like white skin is portreyed as "prettier". This study is good because it bring attention to the issue and helps parents understand that this is something that should be discussed, and not just assumed.

video of study:

link to article :

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