In the early 1940's there were informecials for the pesdicide DDT. It claimed to be completely safe to use around the home, even around childrent. They later found, of course, that it was not. We may have not learned from this mistake. Lead is another example of a toxic chemical thought to be safe but later found to have many health complications. Now is the question of what we are doing TODAY that we may find harmful later on. This article (http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/06/01/backpack.cord.blood/index.html )
Explains many many chemicals we are exposed to and that children have in their blood even before they are born.
It doesn't really surprise me all of the chemicals that are out there. There is no way we can keep creating the things we are with out some sort of side affects. I have done research on pestisides on crops and hormones in animals. We don't think that us eating plants and animals that have chemicals on and in them will hurt us, but how can they not? Another big thing is GMO's (genetically modified organisms). They literally take apart the genes of the plant and mutate it to create something that is more convienient for us. They are finding that this can actually change humans genetic make-up and is creating many new diseases and allergies. I think that things like this will be one of the things we look back on that we thought was totally safe and then realize, after the fact of our genes being muated, that it wasn't safe after all. I feel like things should definatly be more deeply researched before it is put out for consumption to avoid this continuous cycle.
Video of 1940's infomercial: http://cnn.com/video/?/video/health/2010/06/03/gupta.toxic.childhood.promo.cnn
Explains many many chemicals we are exposed to and that children have in their blood even before they are born.
It doesn't really surprise me all of the chemicals that are out there. There is no way we can keep creating the things we are with out some sort of side affects. I have done research on pestisides on crops and hormones in animals. We don't think that us eating plants and animals that have chemicals on and in them will hurt us, but how can they not? Another big thing is GMO's (genetically modified organisms). They literally take apart the genes of the plant and mutate it to create something that is more convienient for us. They are finding that this can actually change humans genetic make-up and is creating many new diseases and allergies. I think that things like this will be one of the things we look back on that we thought was totally safe and then realize, after the fact of our genes being muated, that it wasn't safe after all. I feel like things should definatly be more deeply researched before it is put out for consumption to avoid this continuous cycle.
Video of 1940's infomercial: http://cnn.com/video/?/video/health/2010/06/03/gupta.toxic.childhood.promo.cnn